By default, the routing in angular utilises the hash character in the URI path. For example http://myapp/#/customers/5. By setting the $locationProvider to html5Mode, we can get to http://myapp/customers/5 which is a lot nicer.
However, when the page is refreshed, the browser has no way of knowing it should hit http://myapp/ and then defer control to angular’s routing. Instead, it will do a GET request to the http://myapp/customers/5 endpoint. Which of course, does not exist.
To allow for this, we need to have a catch-all route in our web server, Express for this example.
varapp=require('express')();app.configure(function(){// static - all our js, css, images, etc go into the assets pathapp.use('/assets',express.static('/assets'));//If we get here then the request for a static file is invalid so we may as well stop hereapp.use('/assets',function(req,res,next){res.send(404);});app.get('/customers/:id',function(req,res){// return data for customer....});// This route deals enables HTML5Mode by forwarding missing files to the index.htmlapp.all('/*',function(req,res){res.sendfile('index.html');});});app.listen(9000);